Capital Investment Subsidy is another flagship subsidy offered by Gujarat Government.
This CIS subsidy provides interim and quick relief to customers planning Manufacturing Facility in Gujarat state. This facility can be a new unit or expanding the exiting unit or modernizing the current plant or brining new technology to industry/State.
Quantum of this subsidy is to offer 10% refund on your loan amount or Rs 10 lacs whichever is lower as subsidy. MSMEs which are planning to procure the project or equipment or Machinery up to the value of Rs 100 lcas , are eligible to avail this subsidy.
This subsidy is linked with Bank Loans. All the MSMEs are required to procure equipment under bank financing and avail Term Loan. 10% of subsidy is applicable on the Loan Amount taken for the Equipment.
To know more about CIS subsidy, please contact immediately.